We don't really need the caps lock key, do we?
And we don't want to move the right wrist to press direction keys. And we don't want to move both wrists to press fn + delete to forward delete...
So I figured out a way of remapping this stuff to a Hyper function key.
Hyper = control + option + command + shift...
Actually no software would require a user to press all four modifier keys for any shortcut, because this is simply counter-intuitive. So just remap the caps key to Hyper key...
Install this and reinstall... RMBP tooks 10 seconds to do a cold boot up. Hoorah~
If reboot is painstaking for you, pls open a safari, or anything big, like pages, matlab with files open and unsave. Download this one and the one I am talking about in step 3, install PCKH, use safari or whatever to stop computer from auto reboot, and install KR4MB. Then reboot...
Open this software, the first item you will see is to modify the caps key... The default setting is to remap it to delete key or escape, which you won't use a lot until you start coding in VIM-like environments.
Set this key to remap at keycode 80, which is for hyper.
System Preferences
Open the system preferences, find Keyboard- > Modifier keys- change the caps key to no action...
From now on every caps key you press, system will simply pass it through to PCKeyboardHack...
This weapon could help you combine the Hyper key you just got, and some other keys, to make them more functional.
It could take a while to modify the setting, since basically modifications are in the private.xml file... So I am providing my version of private.xml
Open KR4MB ( simply type KR4MB in spotlight ).
Misc & Uninstall -- > Open private.xml...
From the finder window poped out, copy and paste my private.xml to replace the old one...
Go back to the Change tab in KR4MB
Reload XML
And check everything you need...
Basically I made another set of movement keys.
caps + tab = traditional caps...
caps + H = left
caps + J = down
caps + K = up
caps + L = right
caps + Y = Home
caps + U = PageDn
caps + I = PageUp
caps + O = End
caps + D = forward Delete ( traditional delete on windows)
caps + space = enter
It will takes one or two days to get accustomed. After that you won't stop using this long-ignored key...
Good luck
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